Matchomatics Questionnaire #1

Fun - more funky

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show it with the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions without the optional gender preference question

These 9 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. Gender: *
    1) male
    2) female
    3) other
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What grade are you in?
    12) grade 12
    11) grade 11
    10) grade 10
    9) grade 9
    8) grade 8
    7) grade 7
    6) grade 6
    5) grade 5
    4) grade 4
    ST) teacher

  3. What age do you prefer to hang out with?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) younger
    3) older
    4) same age only
    5) same age and younger
    6) same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1) blonde
    2) not-so blonde
    3) brown
    4) red
    5) black
    6) mixed

  2. What hair color do you prefer on others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) blonde
    3) not-so blonde
    4) brown
    5) red
    6) black
    7) mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1) under 4'9"
    2) 4'9" to 5'0"
    3) 5'1" to 5'4"
    4) 5'5" to 5'8"
    5) 5'9" to 6'0"
    6) over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) under 4'9"
    3) 4'9" to 5'0"
    4) 5'1" to 5'4"
    5) 5'5" to 5'8"
    6) 5'9" to 6'0"
    7) over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1) incredible intelligence
    2) gut splitting  humor
    3) amazing honesty
    4) super looks
    5) compassionate caring
    6) exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) intelligence
    3) sense of humor
    4) honesty
    5) looks
    6) caring
    7) enthusiasm

Remaining Questions

  1. The most annoying sound is:
    1) fingernails on a chalkboard
    2) listening to your parents' music
    3) busy signal on the phone
    4) the school buzzer

  2. The most over used saying is:
    1) cool
    2) sweet
    3) dude
    4) just saying
    5) my bad

  3. During a test I:
    1) fire on all cylinders
    2) chug along
    3) hope the hamster in my head doesn't sleep

  4. You get your news flashes from:
    1) Facebook
    2) Twitter
    3) Instant Messaging
    4) TV
    5) bathroom walls

  5. Your phone/iPod has:
    1) less than 100 songs
    2) 100 - 1000 songs
    3) they call me DJ

  6. When you want to meet someone you:
    1) call them on the phone
    2) text them
    3) say hello in person
    4) "add them" as a friend

  7. How many colors are in the rainbow?
    1) about 4
    2) about 7
    3) about 9
    4) let me call my leprechaun friend

  8. After school you usually:
    1) work
    2) sleep
    3) study
    4) shop
    5) hang out

  1. If your life were a candle you would be:
    1) burning bright
    2) flickering in the wind
    3) still waiting to get lit
    4) a puddle of wax

  2. If you saw a friend shoplift would you:
    1) turn the rat in
    2) look the other way
    3) demand a cut

  3. If the bank machine gave you an extra $100, you:
    1) party on
    2) give it back
    3) return it and hope for a reward

  4. When someone says "when pigs fly" you:
    1) get mad
    2) get sad
    3) ignore it
    4) imagine pigs with wings

  5. If you had x-ray vision would you:
    1) suffer in silence
    2) sit and smile
    3) study to be a surgeon

  6. Rules are:
    1) guidelines for fair play
    2) ok if they are bent a little
    3) made to be broken

  7. On Saturday night you usually:
    1) sleep
    2) hang out with friends
    3) watch TV, text, twitter, etc.
    4) take advantage of the empty Library

  8. In the animal kingdom you would be a:
    1) hawk
    2) snake
    3) monkey
    4) lion
    5) cement bug

  9. The best way for someone to notice you is:
    1) introduce yourself
    2) smile and wink
    3) have a friend introduce you
    4) do the worm in the hall

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    1) university
    2) working
    3) still in school
    4) what am I... psychic

  2. You spent most of last summer:
    1) at the beach
    2) hanging out at home
    3) travelling
    4) at school

  3. Would you stop to pick up a quarter?
    1) yes
    2) no
    3) only if no one saw me

  4. Procrastination is:
    1) something everyone does
    2) everyone does it but me
    3) a quality I'm proud of

  5. If you missed curfew your excuse would be:
    1) my watch stopped
    2) the line up at the library was huge
    3) I helped a busload of seniors cross the street
    4) I thought you said 1 o'clock

  6. The scariest words are:
    1) you're late!
    2) pop quiz
    3) your cell phone bill came today
    4) no wifi

  7. When you get some juicy info about someone do you:
    1) keep it to yourself
    2) tell a few close friends
    3) post it

  8. Your decisions are based on input from:
    1) no one
    2) your friends
    3) your parents
    4) other family members
    5) the psychic hotline

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