Matchomatics Questionnaire #2

Hot - more humorous

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show it with the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions without the optional gender preference question

These 9 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. You are: *
    1) male
    2) female
    3) other
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What grade are you in?
    12) grade 12
    11) grade 11
    10) grade 10
    9) grade 9
    8) grade 8
    7) grade 7
    6) grade 6
    5) grade 5
    4) grade 4
    ST) teacher

  3. What age do you prefer to hang out with?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) younger
    3) older
    4) same age only
    5) same age and younger
    6) same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1) blonde
    2) not-so blonde
    3) brown
    4) red
    5) black
    6) mixed

  2. What hair color do you prefer on others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) blonde
    3) not-so blonde
    4) brown
    5) red
    6) black
    7) mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1) under 4'9"
    2) 4'9" to 5'0"
    3) 5'1" to 5'4"
    4) 5'5" to 5'8"
    5) 5'9" to 6'0"
    6) over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) under 4'9"
    3) 4'9" to 5'0"
    4) 5'1" to 5'4"
    5) 5'5" to 5'8"
    6) 5'9" to 6'0"
    7) over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1) incredible intelligence
    2) gut splitting  humor
    3) amazing honesty
    4) super looks
    5) compassionate caring
    6) exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) intelligence
    3) sense of humor
    4) honesty
    5) looks
    6) caring
    7) enthusiasm

Remaining Questions

  1. My gaming system is a:
    1) Sony
    2) Xbox
    3) Nintendo
    4) computer
    5) cell phone

  2. What would you do if you're going to be home past curfew?
    1) call home
    2) take your chances once you get home
    3) try and sneak in
    4) don't have a curfew

  3. How late can you generally stay out on weekends?
    1) I'm grounded
    2) 10
    3) 11
    4) 12
    5) 1 am
    6) 2 am
    7) my decision

  4. Do you enjoy participating in sports?
    1) all the time
    2) sometimes
    3) rarely
    4) only as an armchair athlete
    5) never

  5. How do you rate yourself academically?
    1) genius
    2) superior
    3) average
    4) poor
    5) sub-human

  6. Do you have a job?
    1) yes
    2) no

  7. Do you plan on contacting the people on your list?
    1) depends on the person
    2) yes
    3) no

  8. Which of these best describes your classroom participation?
    1) participate in all discussions
    2) listen intently
    3) work on other homework
    4) daydream
    5) socialize
    6) make sure my snoring does not interrupt others

  1. What is most of your leisure time spent doing?
    1) sports
    2) TV
    3) talking on the phone
    4) going to parties
    5) collecting money for UNICEF

  2. How old are you in relation to your brothers and sisters?
    1) oldest
    2) middle
    3) youngest
    4) only child

  3. What are your plans after high school?
    1) college or university
    2) trade school
    3) military
    4) working
    5) travel

  4. Which of these best describes your bedroom?
    1) spotless
    2) neat & organized
    3) livable
    4) untidy
    5) condemned

  5. What are most of your decisions based on?
    1) logic
    2) intuition
    3) morals
    4) friends
    5) eenie, meenie, minie...

  6. What would you do first if you won a million dollars?
    1) take a trip
    2) invest
    3) give some away
    4) buy something expensive

  7. Do you play a musical instrument?
    1) all the time
    2) occasionally
    3) never
    4) only when my armpit is in the mood

  8. What is your greatest goal in life?
    1) money
    2) fame
    3) happiness
    4) power

  1. What would you do if you saw someone you like?
    1) introduce yourself
    2) get someone to introduce you
    3) wait for the person to talk to you
    4) 'accidentally' bump into the person

  2. How do you feel about showing affection in public?
    1) embarrassed
    2) indifferent
    3) excited
    4) great when its me

  3. What do you pay most attention to at a movie?
    1) the movie
    2) your date
    3) another person's date
    4) the popcorn

  4. If two people sense a connection, who should make the first move?
    1) the shorter haired one
    2) the longer haired one

  5. What would be your ideal vacation?
    1) sunbathing on a beach
    2) a big city
    3) camping
    4) skiing in the mountains
    5) travelling overseas
    6) world tour

  6. If you wake up with a pimple on your forehead, what would you do?
    1) nothing, everybody gets them
    2) squeeze it to death
    3) sleep until it goes away

  7. What kind of relationship are you interested in?
    1) serious
    2) casual
    3) friendship only

  8. Do you find yourself:
    1) leading
    2) following
    3) watching
    4) getting trampled

  9. Are you gonna help support your school and buy a printout?
    1) yes
    2) no
    3) maybe

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