Matchomatics Questionnaire #4

Tropical - more silly

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show it with the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions without the optional gender preference question

These 9 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. You are: *
    1) male
    2) female
    3) other
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What grade are you in?
    12) grade 12
    11) grade 11
    10) grade 10
    9) grade 9
    8) grade 8
    7) grade 7
    6) grade 6
    5) grade 5
    4) grade 4
    ST) teacher

  3. What age do you prefer to hang out with?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) younger
    3) older
    4) same age only
    5) same age and younger
    6) same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1) blonde
    2) not-so blonde
    3) brown
    4) red
    5) black
    6) mixed

  2. What hair color do you prefer on others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) blonde
    3) not-so blonde
    4) brown
    5) red
    6) black
    7) mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1) under 4'9"
    2) 4'9" to 5'0"
    3) 5'1" to 5'4"
    4) 5'5" to 5'8"
    5) 5'9" to 6'0"
    6) over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) under 4'9"
    3) 4'9" to 5'0"
    4) 5'1" to 5'4"
    5) 5'5" to 5'8"
    6) 5'9" to 6'0"
    7) over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1) incredible intelligence
    2) gut splitting  humor
    3) amazing honesty
    4) super looks
    5) compassionate caring
    6) exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) intelligence
    3) sense of humor
    4) honesty
    5) looks
    6) caring
    7) enthusiasm

Remaining Questions

  1. Reality TV is:
    1) the best thing to watch
    2) loser world
    3) I miss cartoons

  2. My favorite drink in the morning is:
    1) milk
    2) juice
    3) coffee

  3. Two times three is:
    1) two
    2) three
    3) six
    4) my head hurts

  4. On Saturdays I sleep until:
    1) 9 am
    2) 10 am
    3) 11 am
    4) noon
    5) I get up and have supper

  5. Body piercing is:
    1) gross
    2) ok if it's not me
    3) the best thing since sliced bread

  6. How are your school grades?
    1) excellent
    2) good
    3) average
    4) summer school here I come

  7. The fastest way from point A to point B is:
    1) in a car
    2) in a straight line
    3) through the mall

  8. I like my eggs:
    1) sunny side up
    2) over easy
    3) scrambled
    4) raw

  9. When ordering a cheeseburger I:
    1) get the works
    2) hold the onions
    3) hold the cheese
    4) hold the burger

  1. I am most like a:
    1) night owl
    2) early bird
    3) sloth

  2. If you were going to be home after curfew you would:
    1) call home
    2) take your chances once you got home
    3) try to sneak in

  3. Do you plan on contacting the people on your list?
    1) yes
    2) no
    3) depends on the person

  4. How often do you work out?
    1) a few times a week
    2) a few times a month
    3) does getting off the couch count

  5. What is your best feature?
    1) smile
    2) eyes
    3) hair
    4) hat

  6. Would you ever try bungee jumping?
    1) yes
    2) no

  7. How do you get others to notice you?
    1) say hello
    2) act cool
    3) make eye contact
    4) stamp your feet and hold your breath

  8. When working on a project do you:
    1) start immediately and finish early
    2) procrastinate and then pull an all nighter to finish
    3) buy a dog and say he ate it

  1. You do most of your browsing:
    1) on your phone
    2) on your computer
    3) on your friend's computer
    4) at the mall

  2. If you saw a friend cheat would you:
    1) tell the teacher
    2) pretend it didn't happen
    3) stop being friends
    4) confirm your answers

  3. Getting a job is something you:
    1) have done
    2) plan to do
    3) don't want to do

  4. If you found a wallet would you:
    1) find the owner
    2) find the nearest mall

  5. Most of my money is spent on:
    1) movies
    2) friends
    3) clothes
    4) music
    5) food

  6. The greatest group of all time is:
    1) Beatles
    2) Rolling Stones
    3) U2
    4) Beach Boys

  7. I prefer to:
    1) talk in person
    2) talk on the phone
    3) e-mail / text 'em
    4) pass notes

  8. Who is the funniest?
    1) Sponge Bob
    2) Bugs Bunny
    3) Fred Flinstone
    4) Homer Simpson

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