Matchomatics University Questionnaire-GP

University Only - only available to Universities and Colleges

ONLINE ONLY - Out of Stock of Q#U-GP in paper format!

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available with an online survey only

show it without the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions with the optional gender preference question

These 10 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. I identify as: *
    1 = male
    2 = female
    3 = non-binary
    4 = prefer not to say
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What year level are you in ?
    1 = 1st
    2 = 2nd
    3 = 3rd
    4 = 4th
    5 = 5th
    6 = other

  3. Optional Question
  4. You are more attracted to:
    1) same gender
    2) opposite gender
    3) any gender
    4) prefer not to say

  5. What age do you prefer to hang with ?
    1 = doesn't matter
    2 = younger
    3 = older
    4 = same age only
    5 = same age and younger
    6 = same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1 = blonde
    2 = not-so-blonde
    3 = brown
    4 = red
    5 = black
    6 = mixed

  2. What hair color do you like on others ?
    1 = doesn't matter
    2 = blonde
    3 = not-so-blonde
    4 = brown
    5 = red
    6 = black
    7 = mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1 = under 4'9"
    2 = 4'9" to 5'0"
    3 = 5'1" to 5'4"
    4 = 5'5" to 5'8"
    5 = 5'9" to 6'0"
    6 = over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer ?
    1 = doesn't matter
    2 = under 4'9"
    3 = 4'9" to 5'0"
    4 = 5'1" to 5'4"
    5 = 5'5" to 5'8"
    6 = 5'9" to 6'0"
    7 = over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1 = incredible intelligence
    2 = gut-splitting humor
    3 = amazing honesty
    4 = super looks
    5 = compassionate caring
    6 = exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others ?
    1 = doesn't matter 
    2 = intelligence
    3 = sense of humor
    4 = honesty
    5 = looks
    6 = caring
    7 = enthusiasm

Remaining Questions

  1. I live:
    1 = on campus
    2 = off campus

  2. Most of my educational
    funding comes from:
    1 = my parents
    2 = scholarships/grants
    3 = loans
    4 = I'm working for it

  3. Do people who use profanity offend you ?
    1 = yes
    2 = sometimes
    3 = who the !f*# cares

  4. My first job was:
    1 = babysiting
    2 = delivering the paper
    3 = cutting grass
    4 = fast food place
    5 = I'm waiting till I graduate

  5. I do most of my shopping:
    1 = on line
    2 = at the mall

  6. My monthly cell phone bill is:
    1 = $20 to $40
    2 = $40 to $60
    3 = $60 to $80
    4 = over $100
    5 = I don't have a cell

  7. In a crowd you stand out because you're:
    1 = the talker
    2 = the listener
    3 = the thinker 
    4 = tall

  8. Body piercing is:
    1 = gross
    2 = ok from the neck up
    3 = the best thing since sliced bread
    4 = I'm in line but I might leave

  1. Most of my tunes are:
    1 = top 40
    2 = hip hop / rap
    3 = metal / hard rock
    4 = bluegrass / country
    5 = "borrowed" if you know what I mean

  2. I chose this school because it has the best:
    1 = academic program
    2 = athletic program
    3 = social programs

  3. Most of my computer time is spent:
    1 = blogging
    2 = surfing the web
    3 = completing my assignments
    4 = playing video games

  4. A first date should be:
    1 = just the two of you
    2 = a group environment
    3 = start as a group and end just the two of you
    4 = start as a group and end in a group

  5. What do you do most when not in school ?
    1 = sports
    2 = hangin' with friends
    3 = watchin' TV
    4 = working
    5 = on the phone
    6 = on the net
  6. The biggest problem facing today's generation is:
    1 = drugs/alcohol
    2 = global warming
    3 = political unrest
    4 = violence
    5 = the last generation

  7. I plan to stay in school until:
    1 = I get my degree
    2 = I complete my masters
    3 = I get a doctorate
    4 = my parents money runs out

  8. The best way to get someone to do something is:
    1 = beg and plead
    2 = complain until you get your way
    3 = ask nicely
    4 = whips and chains

  1. How many jobs do you have ?
    1 = none
    2 = one
    3 = two
    4 = my parents are rich

  2. What would you prefer to do on a date:
    1 = romantic walk in the park
    2 = dinner and a movie
    3 = party or go to the bar
    4 = my date

  3. What kind of relationship are you interested in ?
    1 = serious
    2 = casual dating
    3 = friendship
    4 = friends with benefits
    5 = a meaningful one nighter

  4. The best pickup place is:
    1 = bar
    2 = grocery store
    3 = gym
    4 = latin dance class

  5. During an intimate time I am usually looking:
    1 = up at the ceiling
    2 = down at the pillow
    3 = for a partner

  6. Would you get a tattoo ?
    1= maybe
    2 = yes my appointment is booked
    3 = been there done that
    4 = only temporary ones

  7. Have you ever cheated on someone ?
    1 = yes
    2 = no
    3 = we were on a break
    4 = what happens in Vegas...

  8. Your favorite topping is:
    1 = hot fudge
    2 = peanut butter
    3 = whipping cream
    4 = cherries or strawberries
    5 = 1, 3, and 4 (I'm allergic to peanuts)
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