How To Run Matchomatics (the Matchmaker Fundraiser)

We do not share your data.

Never have. Never will.

See our privacy policy for complete details.

1) Place your order

Pick a questionnaire and complete an order form (with your advisor).

You can choose to have us either:

  • Ship you paper questionnaires
  • - or -
  • Email you a link to where your students can complete their questionnaire online.

2) Have your students fill out the questionnaires for Free

There is no charge for processing a person's data so everyone can participate!

Teachers can also participate if they wish (note: teachers will only be matched with other teachers - unless you specify otherwise).

Once your questionnaires are completed:

  • Simply return the paper questionnaires to us for processing using the return instructions and label that will be provided for you
  • - or -
  • Contact us and we will close your online survey.

We will then process your data and you can choose to have us either:

  • Ship your school paper printouts ready to sell.
  • - or -
  • Email you a pdf file of all your results for you to print or distribute to your students.

3) Sell the Printouts and Collect the Cash

Advertise with your Printout Promotion Package (shipped free with your printouts).

Sell the printouts to the appropriate students.

Pay us for each printout sold plus shipping.

The more printouts you sell - the more money you make!

All unsold printouts are completely refundable - and you don't even need to send the unsold printouts back. Just count them and let us know how many you have.

39 years of service!
Fortress Software Inc.
2-350 Keewatin St
Winnipeg MB R2X 2R9
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