Matchomatics (the Matchmaker Fundraiser) Frequently Asked Questions

We do not share your data.

Never have. Never will.

See our privacy policy for complete details.


All printouts contain the same information with each printout type, it just depends how you want your printouts presented:


We provide you with a PDF file of all your results that you can print or email
$1.00 per printout sold

PDF File

Receive a pdf file of all your results that you can print or email yourself.

We can also email the results directly to your students for you if you wish, for an additional one-time $15 service fee.

This saves on shipping as we do not ship you any physically printed printouts with this option.


Full Color 8.5" x 11" Printouts
$1.10 per printout sold


Paper printouts provides a physical 8.5" x 11" paper printout for each participant shipped directly to your school.


Semi-private Folded Paper Printouts
$1.15 per printout sold


Folded Service folds your paper printouts in thirds. This gives you semi-privacy without the cost of envelopes!


Confidentially Sealed Printouts
$1.35 per printout sold


Deluxe service folds and confidentially seals your paper printouts in flashy window envelopes for maximum privacy and easier distribution.

Add Birthday Trivia (for only $0.10 more) onto the back of each person's printout and everyone gets:

  • 5 Birthday Buddies (the people with birthdays closest to yours).
  • 10 Celebro-Matches (most astrologically compatible celebrities).
  • 10 Zodio-Matches (most astrologically compatible students).
  • 3 Days Old facts (cool facts about how many times things have happened so far in your life).
  • Your Birthstone.
  • A famous quote.
  • your Chinese Horoscope.
  • your Western Horoscope.
  • a full This Day in History report.
  • a little known Did You Know? trivia.
  • plus a personalized Biorhythm chart showing your Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual highs and lows for the next 31 days.

Popular Option 94% of schools choose the Birthday Trivia option!

Matchomatics has 11 different questionnaires to choose from (or you can make up your own custom questionnaire).

There is also a questionnaire available for Universities and Colleges.

The first 9 questions are the same on each. After that, each questionnaire has its own style.

Be sure to choose one that is most appropriate for your school and please review it with your advisor/sponsor

All of our questionnaires can now have an optional gender preference question added on
Show questionnaires with the Gender Preference question?
Yes | No
# Name Description Available in Paper Format?
1 FUN more funky
2 HOT more humorous
3 SIZZLING more liberal
4 TROPICAL more silly
5 COOL more conservative
6 WARM room temperature
7 WACKY a lotta wild
8 PHAT MOST POPULAR! some sugar some spice
9 SWEET cute and cozy
10 EPIC technically superior
11 BFF besties forever
U UNIVERSITY ONLY only available to Universities and Colleges
C CUSTOM make up your own questionnaire (additional $5 set-up fee)
= currently out of stock in paper format.
Can be used as an online or custom paper questionnaire only.
    Optional Question
  1. You are more attracted to:
    1) same gender
    2) opposite gender
    3) any gender
    4) prefer not to say

This optional question allows each participant to indicate what gender they are more attracted to.

This further enhances everyone's matches without actually showing anyone's individual preference on the printouts.

This question is an option for schools with an active Gay-Straight-Alliance Club but it is not required to produce an all inclusive printout.

If this is something you want, be sure to say 'YES' to the gender preference question when ordering your questionnaires.

The first 9 (or 10 if using a gender preference questionnaire) questions cross match each person's characteristics with each person's preferences. For example: we give a higher percentage rating for tall people for people that prefer someone tall. This makes your matches much more accurate!

show it with the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions without the optional gender preference question

These 9 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. Gender: *
    1) male
    2) female
    3) other
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What grade are you in?
    12) grade 12
    11) grade 11
    10) grade 10
    9) grade 9
    8) grade 8
    7) grade 7
    6) grade 6
    5) grade 5
    4) grade 4
    ST) teacher

  3. What age do you prefer to hang out with?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) younger
    3) older
    4) same age only
    5) same age and younger
    6) same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1) blonde
    2) not-so blonde
    3) brown
    4) red
    5) black
    6) mixed

  2. What hair color do you prefer on others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) blonde
    3) not-so blonde
    4) brown
    5) red
    6) black
    7) mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1) under 4'9"
    2) 4'9" to 5'0"
    3) 5'1" to 5'4"
    4) 5'5" to 5'8"
    5) 5'9" to 6'0"
    6) over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) under 4'9"
    3) 4'9" to 5'0"
    4) 5'1" to 5'4"
    5) 5'5" to 5'8"
    6) 5'9" to 6'0"
    7) over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1) incredible intelligence
    2) gut splitting  humor
    3) amazing honesty
    4) super looks
    5) compassionate caring
    6) exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) intelligence
    3) sense of humor
    4) honesty
    5) looks
    6) caring
    7) enthusiasm

Remaining Questions


Decide whether or not you want the optional gender preference question and then download our custom questionnaire template.

If you are using paper questionnaires, use our template to print out your own custom questionnaires, or we can print them on the back of our answer forms for $0.03 each. Either way, you still need to place an order for scannable answer forms (bubble sheets) for your students to answer their questions on.

If you are using an online survey, use our template to make up your own custom questionnaire, email your questionnaire to us, and we will put it online for you. A one-time $15 custom-online set-up fee will be added to your invoice.


Our online surveys can be completed via tablet, computer, or even on your students smart phones! We will email you a link to an online survey dedicated just for your school.

Here is a sample:

You then distribute this short link to your students for them to complete their survey online.

Simply email (or call) us when your students are done filling out their surveys. We will then close your survey, grab your data, and print out your printouts. You will even receive a summary link for you to know how many students have completed your survey as it progresses.

Just like paper questionnaires, it works best to have everyone fill out the survey at the same time. This guarantees the maximum participation rate, but it is not required.

A one-time $10 on-line set-up fee (or $15 if customizing any of the questions) will be added to your invoice at the end of your fundraiser.

No person is left out with our all-inclusive activity!

Everyone can participate because Matchomatics matches all genders, all identities, and all preferences, while maintaining privacy!

Everyone gets matches calculated according to their preferences.

An optional gender preference question can also be added to help boost students ratings even more.

Our gender question can also be customized however you would like it worded - or - it can just be removed entirely if needed.


When ordering an online survey, we can add a mandatory question asking each participant for their email address.

Then, with your permission, we can email the appropriate printouts to your students for you!

If you are selling the printouts to your students, we will provide you with a name list that you can check off to let us know which students have paid. Then email us when you want us to email the results to the appropriate students and we will do so within 24-48 hours.

There is an additional charge of $15 to use this service.

Specify you want us to "EMAIL PRINTOUTS DIRECTLY" in the special instructions area when ordering your online survey.


We can customize your PDF printouts however you like for a one-time $10 custom PDF set-up fee.

Add your own school's logo or colours to your PDF results!

Extensive layout changes may cost a little more.

Specify you want "CUSTOM PDF PRINTOUTS" in the special instructions area when ordering.

Custom Matching Procedures


If you wish a custom matching procedure (example: grades 9 and lower matched together and grades 10 and higher matched together) simply tell us when ordering.

Matchomatics has every matching procedure you can think of!

Here are some examples:

All Grades Most Popular!
Matches all the grades together (just like the sample printout).
Everyone receives a printout with a section that lists the best matches and friends from their Same Grade and another section that lists the best matches and friends from All the Other Grades in your school.
One Above - Same - One Below Matches everyone one grade above, their same grade, and one grade below.
You can also specify how many grades to go above and/or below: (for example: 2 above - same - 1 below).
Specific Grade Matching Tell us the grade ranges you want matched together and we do the rest!
For example, to match your junior high separately from your senior high, just tell us the grade groupings you want matched: (7-8) and (9-12)
Friendship Match Only All your participants are matched regardless of gender.
Optional We also have an entirely separate program called Friendomatics made specifically for Friendship Matching Only.
Opposite Gender Only Opposite gender matches only (no friends).
Staff with Students Teachers are normally only matched with other teachers.
If you want teachers matched with students, you must specify this when ordering.
Mentor Match Only provide the top unique match for each participant. Perfect for matching a group of older "mentor" students with younger "apprentice" students.
Custom Matches the participants any way you want!
Simply tell us when ordering and we will make it happen!

Our CROSS MATCH questions and the ability for students to mark certain questions as more important enables Matchomatics to determine 2 different ratings for each match.

This makes your matches much more accurate!

Their % is the % chance that you will like them.

Your % is the % chance that they will like you.

Order in December or early January,

to give yourself lots of time to organize - especially if you have exams in January!

Your goal should be to get your printouts by February 10th so that you have time to organize them and get them ready to sell before Valentine's Day.

Use the dates below as a guideline:

Paper Questionnaires shipped: Order Paper Questionnaires by Send Paper Questionnaires for processing by
Slow January 13 January 24
Fast January 27 February 2
Online Survey with: Order Online Survey by Close Online Survey by
Slow paper printouts January 24 February 1
Fast paper printouts February 1 February 6
PDF File results February 3 February 9

If these dates don't work - don't freak out!

Simply Call or Chat with us and we will try and accommodate you. We often work miracles!

Paper questionnaire shipping starts at $27 (each way) and then goes up depending on the number of questionnaires shipped:

Shipping Speed Delivery Time * Cost to ship **
Slow 3 - 6 days Select the number of questionnaires above
Fast 1 - 2 days Select the number of questionnaires above
* Call, , or Chat with us with your zip code for a more precise delivery time estimate or use the map below as a general guide for Slow Delivery
** Due to fuel surcharge instability, shipping costs are subject to change at any time. Prices shown above are current as of October 21, 2024.

Tip: Have your students fill out their questionnaires online and pay nothing for questionnaire shipping!

Paper printout shipping starts at $27 and then goes up depending on the type and number of printouts shipped:

Shipping Speed Delivery Time * Cost to ship **
Slow 3 - 6 days Select the type and number of printouts above
Fast 1 - 2 days Select the type and number of printouts above
* call, email, or message us with your zip code for a more precise delivery time estimate or use the map below as a general guide for Slow Delivery
** Due to fuel surcharge instability, shipping costs are subject to change at any time. Prices shown above are current as of October 21, 2024.

Tip: Get your printouts emailed as a PDF File and pay nothing for printout shipping!

With Slow shipping it takes approximately 3-4 weeks from the day you order your questionnaires to the day you receive your printouts.

With Fast shipping you can run the entire fundraiser in as little as 1-2 weeks.

With an Online Survey and PDF results you can run the entire fundraiser in 1 week or less.

Call or Chat with us for more specific shipping estimates.

Tip: Using an online questionnaire or getting your results as a PDF file greatly speeds up getting your final results! And it costs less!

Most schools charge $2 or $3 per printout because it is the easiest to handle (no quarters!) and sells the best.

Some schools run Matchomatics as a fun non-profit activity and only charge $1 (just to cover costs) and some just give them away for free as part of their student fees!

You may charge your students whatever you feel is best for your school.

You can use the profit chart on our Cost & Profit page to help you figure out how much money you can potentially make with the different pricing options.


We do many universities, colleges, and companies every year. Most use a custom online questionnaire which we can help you design. We also have a custom ready made university style questionnaire ready to go if that works for you.

Instead of grades, universities and colleges usually use year levels to separate and group their matches.

Companies (and universities) can also use departments, floors, or any other type of grouping, to separate their matches, or we can just ignore the grade question entirely.

Please note: All universities, colleges, and companies are required to pay a $75 deposit before we ship or put your questionnaire online. This deposit will be applied to your final invoice but it is not refundable if your final invoice is less than $75.
Basically this means you have to commit to spending at least $75 with us.

Call , Chat , or for details.


If you want to purchase all of your results ahead of time, we can give you a $0.20 per printout discount!

This means your PDF printouts can cost as little as $0.80 each!

Perfect for schools that just want to pay for Matchomatics as a fun activity and just distribute your printouts to everyone for free!

39 years of service!
Fortress Software Inc. (USA)
2-350 Keewatin St
Winnipeg MB R2X 2R9
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