Matchomatics Questionnaire #11

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show it with the gender preference question

Cross Match Questions without the optional gender preference question

These 9 questions cross match a person's preference with a match's reality
  1. You are: *
    1) male
    2) female
    3) other
    * this question can be customized or removed if needed. (Call or chat for details).

  2. What grade are you in?
    12) grade 12
    11) grade 11
    10) grade 10
    9) grade 9
    8) grade 8
    7) grade 7
    6) grade 6
    5) grade 5
    4) grade 4
    ST) teacher

  3. What age do you prefer to hang out with?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) younger
    3) older
    4) same age only
    5) same age and younger
    6) same age and older

  1. Your current hair color is:
    1) blonde
    2) not-so blonde
    3) brown
    4) red
    5) black
    6) mixed

  2. What hair color do you prefer on others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) blonde
    3) not-so blonde
    4) brown
    5) red
    6) black
    7) mixed

  3. Standing up straight you're:
    1) under 4'9"
    2) 4'9" to 5'0"
    3) 5'1" to 5'4"
    4) 5'5" to 5'8"
    5) 5'9" to 6'0"
    6) over 6'0"

  1. What height do you prefer?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) under 4'9"
    3) 4'9" to 5'0"
    4) 5'1" to 5'4"
    5) 5'5" to 5'8"
    6) 5'9" to 6'0"
    7) over 6'0"

  2. The best thing you have going is:
    1) incredible intelligence
    2) gut splitting  humor
    3) amazing honesty
    4) super looks
    5) compassionate caring
    6) exceptional enthusiasm

  3. What do you look for first in others?
    1) doesn't matter
    2) intelligence
    3) sense of humor
    4) honesty
    5) looks
    6) caring
    7) enthusiasm

Remaining Questions

  1. They're making a movie about your life, who gets to play you?
    1) Angelina Jolie
    2) Beyonce
    3) Jennifer Lawrence
    4) Brad Pitt
    5) Jamie Foxx
    6) Jack Black

  2. You like your music:
    1) soft and gentle
    2) loud but not obtrusive
    3) glass rattling
    4) WHAT - I can't hear you

  3. Do you participate in sports?
    1) regularly
    2) sometimes
    3) rarely
    4) does getting off the couch count

  4. Your assignments are:
    1) completed early
    2) completed on time
    3) keep me busy on the bus
    4) forgotten

  5. What style of clothes do you normally wear?
    1) casual
    2) a little of everything
    3) grunge
    4) preppy
    5) anything with bright colors
    6) sweats and a sweatshirt
    7) other

  6. In a crowd you stand out because you are:
    1) the talker
    2) the listener
    3) the thinker
    4) tall

  7. Your energy level is:
    1) like the Hoover Dam
    2) high voltage
    3) a spark plug
    4) a battery
    5) plug me in cause I need a boost

  8. You like your pizza topped with:
    1) lotsa meat
    2) veggie only
    3) the works
    4) cheese please

  1. Your favorite tunes are:
    1) top 30
    2) hip hop / rap
    3) metal / hard rock
    4) emo / punk
    5) bluegrass / country
    6) other

  2. Most of your cash is spent on:
    1) movies
    2) food
    3) clothes
    4) downloads
    5) cell phone bills

  3. In the animal kingdom you would be:
    1) a lion
    2) a bull
    3) a snake
    4) a kitten
    5) a meal

  4. You need to improve your:
    1) grades
    2) timing / organization
    3) clothes
    4) play list

  5. What do you do most when not in school?
    1) sports
    2) hangin' with friends
    3) watchin' TV
    4) working
    5) on the phone
    6) on the computer

  6. On a European vacation you would like to see:
    1) Big Ben
    2) the Eiffel Tower
    3) the Leaning Tower of Pisa
    4) the Acropolis
    5) Mount Rushmore (think about it)

  7. How old are you in relation to your brothers and sisters?
    1) oldest
    2) middle
    3) youngest
    4) only child

  8. Do you play a musical instrument?
    1) all the time
    2) occasionally
    3) never
    4) does belching count

  1. How many jobs do you have?
    1) none
    2) one
    3) two
    4) my parents are rich

  2. Public speaking:
    1) freaks me out
    2) gives me that "queasy" feeling
    3) I can do it
    4) bring it on - I love to talk

  3. Your cell phone is set to:
    1) the default ring tone
    2) vibrate, vibrate, vibrate
    3) a downloaded ring tone
    4) expire - I'm out of minutes.

  4. What are your plans after graduation?
    1) college or university
    2) trade school
    3) military
    4) working
    5) undecided

  5. Who's the best superhero?
    1) Superman
    2) Spider-Man
    3) Batman
    4) Iron Man
    5) Wonder Woman

  6. Would you get a tattoo?
    1) maybe
    2) yes my appointment is booked
    3) been there done that
    4) only temporary ones

  7. It's cool when someone:
    1) gets good grades
    2) can laugh at themselves
    3) is generous
    4) doesn't care what others think
    5) turns on the air conditioner

  8. Life would stink without:
    1) my phone
    2) my internet
    3) my music
    4) my parents credit cards
    5) deodorant

  9. Are you gonna help support your school and buy a printout?
    1) yes
    2) no
    3) maybe

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